About us


U.NA.P.P.A. - National Union of Professionals in Administrative Procedures is a unique organisation in the sector of Agencies providing assistance in administrative procedures. With over 300 professionals spread throughout the country and as many branches affiliated with the circuit of services guaranteed by the Unappa Services brand, it is Italy’s largest professional network in this sector. In addition to our traditional areas of expertise, the broadening of competencies that have been built over time have also led to new specializations, including some closely related to the innovation system such as, Data Protection Officer (DPO)Regulation-Compliant Storage ManagerDigital Signature Recording Office (RAO), and other professional segments that are currently qualified by our organization. Last in order of time is the Innovation Manager, a category that has also recently been introduced at the Mise with a special Registry.

The Association has always focused on institutional political representation, but at the same time it promotes progress in the profession and its own activities by acting as a driving force for development. Dubbed the 'Telematic Attorney’, in this era in which everything appears to be easy and just a click away, the agency guarantees full compliance with industry regulations and guarantees every telematic service provided by the affiliated Agency and the Associate Professional. These guarantees are extended not only to the user, but even more so to the Public Administration with which they have to deal with on a daily basis. And such guarantees are genuine, such as collective and individual professional insurance cover so that client protection is maximized.

U.NA.P.P.A. over the years has continued and continues to innovate and update its strategies adapting them to the needs of the moment by developing new models of collaboration that promote increased professionalism and expertise among our members. It also helps to increase the institutional visibility of this professional segment, which can now fully qualify as a professional activity, as a result of Law 4/2013 'Provisions on unorganized professions', of which we were promoters.

Since 2006 in a corporate form, and previously managed by the same Association, anticipating even regulations introduced by the legislator on business networks, it has organized a professional and at the same time commercial network through the establishment of Unappa Services. A few weeks ago, an additional structure named "Unappa Services Network” was created, enabling all associated Professionals and member Companies, to compete in an increasingly complex market in an adequate manner. In this union, the concept of sharing is very strong but never undermines the entrepreneurial and professional individuality of each member.

National presence: it has its headquarters in Milan as well as two regional operating branches in Rome and Naples making it a consolidated and well-structured organisation. U.NA.P.P.A. thus represents a great opportunity for growth for Professionals and Member Companies, also by carrying out its role of 'Representation' of all professionals, last but not least, by fostering the growth of the country.


Our objective is to provide a rapid and effective response to all the problems encountered by Professionals and Member Companies, from the start-up phase onwards and throughout their daily tasks, fostering their development and growth.

It is thanks to the concept of sharing, which is extended in various spheres, from shared investment to operational and training collaboration to the construction of opportunities and development of new services and business to daily management support, that Unappa considers itself a true 'NETWORK' and makes this principle its symbol. That is why U.NA.P.P.A. is the solution: one member’s problem is everyone’s problem, and the solution benefits all. One of the pillars of our project, which has continued to develop since 1994, is the sharing of resources, but even more crucial is the sharing of ideas behind every choice and project.


Since its inception and especially throughout its development, two key concepts have underpinned the Association's exponential growth: Technology and Simplification; the former serving the latter and both serving the country as well as each individual member. We shall use the term Innovation to summarize what we have consistently done over the years: innovate.

Simplification, to which we now add Innovation are considered by Unappa an opportunity and not a threat!

Simplification is the beacon to which association development is anchored, fostered by technological infrastructure that is continually improved to enable its Members to carry out their profession with efficiency, speed and quality. What we aim to achieve is the satisfaction of our clients, citizens, enterprises and/or businesses in general, but even more indirectly we aim to help them in their dealings with the public administration, with which our professionals interact on a daily basis. Properly prepared paperwork and well-performed activities save energy for all those involved in the process, and this is a value that the members of the association recognize. There is no doubt that simplification today passes through the innovation of processes and procedures, and this is precisely why there is a growing need for intermediaries as in our case. In this regard, Unappa aims to present itself as a loyal and valid intermediary for dealing both with the public administration and other stakeholders.

In recent years, there has been a great demand for innovative services, e-government, and new technologies, as well as an increase in the supply of services. However, a ‘connecting link’ is still missing, in other words, that operational hinge that makes citizens aware of the real advantages that public administrations offer in the age of digitalisation, and Unappa fills this gap or mistrust, acting as a facilitator but even more as a promoter of the public administration action itself.

It is precisely to fill this gap that our proposal to the legislator is to establish the "TELEMATIC ATTORNEY". This is a qualified individual, who, like other professionals who can already count on clear qualifications, is able to contribute effectively to the simplification process by supporting citizens and enterprises in exploiting this new opportunity. We are convinced that innovation in its various forms brings many advantages, but that an increasingly deep ethical and qualitative approach is needed for all players involved in this process.

Our mission has always been to create an effective decentralised system that operates alongside and for the Public Administration, which can deliver immediate and speedy processing of procedures, thereby guaranteeing a saving of costs and greater protection. One of the most important experiences was the U.NA.P.P.A. Enterprise Agency, which, although a regulatory failure, sees in our consolidated experience a clear application of this concept. At the same time, today our expertise also allows us to compete in new areas not strictly related to the field of fulfilments or public administration. To this end, we have recently set up our Innovation Manager Register that records all the digital skills that are currently covered by our professionals.

Our research and action have always been geared towards the simplification of 'administrative procedures', which we see as an opportunity and not a threat even for intermediaries like us – despite the fact that many actions encourage disintermediation, which remains fundamental if we want to take the country into a new era.


Digital innovation is one of the pillars on which the country's development should be based. However, this shift is still very often read exclusively as a change of tools rather than the cultural change that is really needed. It is a new paradigm to which the Company as a whole must adapt. The ways of acting, thinking, and operating are changing, and whatever sector we operate in, we are affected by this new condition.

The Unappa Professional is not immune to this and, as with other professional segments, there is a need for a radical change of vision. Hence Unappa's constant activity of researching and developing new organizational models, new training formulas and qualification paths, and new concepts on which to push the Associate Professional's thinking. This is the primary role of an organisation that defines itself as representative, which neither wants nor ought to be merely about institutional politics, but rather an incentive to reasoning. Representing the interests of our world is a commitment primarily based on "dealing with a momentous change" that must be managed and not improvised.

This is why we have a strong qualification that today is backed by the Professional Attestation permitted by Law 4/2013, which Unappa also actively participated in promulgating as founder of Colap – Coordination of Professional Associations and today participates in its management with our representatives. As a result of this acknowledgement and assumption of responsibility, our professional profiles have been transformed and in some cases, by adding technological know-how to traditional expertise without which we could not be here today to discuss these issues, they have been reshaped. We have created new professional figures, which are now instrumental in the performance of every business activity, such as: the person in charge of regulation-compliant electronic storage who can assist companies in evaluating digital processes; the data protection officer who assists companies in managing the delicate issue of privacy-gdpr; the innovation manager who assists companies in their transition to digital and plans and evaluates every action with them. Moreover, as of 2019, these figures will automatically become members of our organisation, as provided for in the association's bylaws.


Please contact our secretary’s office for all the information you need.

2022 – Parliament Competition Law No. 118 of August 5, 2022. Article 27 Proxy
2020 -  UNAPPA AGENDA APPROVED BY THE SENATE 1st Committee on Constitutional Affairs.
2015  - Senate - Agenda No. G/1577/22/1 to DDL no. 1577
2013  - Senate - Agenda No. G13.101 to DDL no. 974


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